Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: The concept of Resonators

2024-05-20 14:56:27 by:ValerioLP




To better understand what a Resonator is, we must study the world in which we find ourselves.


I would remind you to retrieve my writing on the World Building of Wuthering Waves where I explain in detail the concept of frequency and sound, which deeply characterises this world.


The most important concept I could extract from that writing to introduce us to the theme of the Resonators is certainly the fact that after the advent of the Lament, matter, information and energy are all reduced to the vibrating frequency.


Everything in the world of Solaris-3 is made up of frequencies and these are subject to an irreversible decay process.


As frequencies decay, they can merge with other frequencies, acquiring new form and unique patterns. It is precisely on this last concept that my writing on Resonators will be based.



What are Resonators?



By definition, individuals with the ability to resonate with certain things in existence and manipulate their frequencies are known as Resonators.


A Resonator is a human being, who, after the advent of The Lament and thus with the change of natural laws in the world, in a certain circumstance of their life has come into intense contact with a matter or information whose frequencies have "resonated" with them, enabling them to experience what is known as Awakening.


Awakening is thus the act underlying the birth of a Resonator, who becomes susceptible to the perception of frequencies.


This resonance with frequencies, depending on the frequencies, results in the emergence of a power in that resonator. This power will be called Forte or more simply Resonance Ability. According to experts, Resonator's abilities are often influenced by their past experiences and subconscious mind.


A Resonator's Forte is composed of countless invisible Wavebands. When the Remnant Wavebands are compiled to form a complete Resonance Chain, their Forte receives an upgrade in power.

Resonance Chain

A resonator's Forte is extremely related to their awakening, to the frequencies they resonated with, and thus to what they experienced firsthand at that particular moment.

Resonator's Fortes are manifested through the Tacet Mark, a symbol that is born at the moment of awakening. We are not given to understand the reason behind the body part of the Tacet Mark manifestation, but I am inclined to believe that it is in the body part where the Resonator had most contact with external frequencies at the moment of awakening.

Tacet Mark

We are not given to understand the reason behind the body part of the Tacet Mark manifestation, but I am inclined to believe that it is in the body part where the Resonator had most contact with external frequencies at the moment of awakening.


Each resonator possess a Resonance Liberation Energy, a kind of internal battery closely linked to their own Tacet Mark. When this energy reaches its maximum cap, the Tacet Mark expands and becomes luminous.

luminous mark

For example, we can see how Calcharo's Forte allows him to partially transform into a Tacet Discord. We can even notice the Tacet Core Whisperin on his chest, which characterises humanoid Tacet Discords.

humanoid Tacet Discords



Resonance Spectrum Pattern



The Resonator's abilities result in Attributes. These are determined by what scientists call the Resonance Spectrum Pattern.


The Resonance Spectrum is a unique pattern characterised by the wave frequencies of the Resonator.


As I have reported in other writings, with the Lament we had a change in natural laws and the reduction of everything to a vibrating frequency. Each frequency, however, possesses its own uniqueness: depending on how it vibrates or what it comes into contact with (merging) during its life cycle, it will decay into a different form from everything else.


During the resonator's awakening, its frequencies will resonate with these other frequencies, forming a new unique pattern. This is the pattern that scientists call the Resonance Spectrum Pattern.


Below are several actual examples of Resonance Spectrum, which scientists compile in the Inspection Report of each resonator:

Yangyang's Report

"The Resonance Spectrum Pattern of Resonator Yangyang displays over 20% resemblance to that of airflow and smaller bird species. While a strong Syntony reaction is present, the pattern also shares over 5% similarity with multiple other existing samples, indicating potential multiple or contaminating causes of Awakening."

Mortefi‘s Report

"The Resonance Spectrum Pattern of Mortefi has been observed to align closely with that of the Dragonkin, a species that is currently declared extinct. Due to the unavailability of living Dragonkin for Syntony tests, it is currently not possible to empirically confirm the cause of Mortefi's Awakening."

Sanhua‘s Report

"Resonance Spectrum Pattern of this Resonator is identical to the existing Snow Frequency Fluctuation. The results of the Resonance Spectrum Pattern around her pupils are also identical to the Frequency Fluctuation interval of known TDs. Tests reveal strong Harmonic Responses, yet the cause of Sanhua's Awakening remains unclear."

Lastly, since we mentioned Calcharo when we talked about the Forte, I would also like to report what is mentioned in his inspection report, when the Resonance Spectrum Pattern is mentioned.


“The exact cause of Resonator Calcharo's Awakening cannot be identified at the moment, as his Spectrum Pattern does not show similarity to any known samples.”


"Actually... there is one strikingly similar Spectrum Pattern that we seem to have overlooked, or rather, we hesitated to entertain that possibility."


"Yes... It's the Tacet Discords."


With this we can absolutely confirm that the Awakening of a Resonator determines all that they will become by radically changing their nature.




Rabelle's Curve



Scientists use a specific convention to classify resonators called Rabelle's Curve. It is nothing more than the waveform graph of resonator frequencies and their fluctuation.

Baizhi‘s Report

"The non-convergent Rabelle's Curve of Resonator Baizhi displays a gradual increase in the initial stage, followed by a sharp climb in the middle section. The test results thus categorize Baizhi as a Mutant Resonator with a Dormant Period."


Classifications are as follows: Natural, Mutant and Congenital.


Natural Resonators have a non-convergent Rabelle's Curve with a gradual, stable rise. Current Natural Resonators: Calcharo, Jianxin, Lingyang, Taoqi, Yangyang, Yuanwu.


Mutant Resonators have a non-convergent Rabelle Curve with a steep rise in its middle section. Current Mutant Resonators: Baizhi, Chixia, Danjin, Jiyan, Mortefi, Sanhua.


Congenital Resonators have a non-convergent Rabelle's Curve with a periodic waveform. Current Congenital Resonators: Aalto, Encore, Verina, Yinlin. 


Congenital Resonators seem to have experienced awakening from birth.






By consulting the waveform graph and its time frequency fluctuations, scientists are also able to predict the risk of the Overclocking of a resonator.


What is Overclocking?


When a Resonator’s mental capacity is overwhelmed, they may lose control of their Forte, causing an overflow of Resonance energy. Scientists have established a comprehensive Overclock diagnosis process to accurately predict potential risks of Overclocking.


During the Healt Check conducted by Baizhi to Rover, she tells her that her waveform graph shows a remarkable level of stability, surpassing any Resonator she has encountered. The risk of Overclocking should be minimal. There is no need to worry about that for the time being.


As of now, only Yangyang, Mortefi and Sanhua have recorded history of overclocking.


Let's examine them and see the changes they have brought about:


"During the event, Resonator Yangyang experienced emotional overflow and temporary loss of Forte control. Fortunately, there were no casualties or hazards reported, though she suffered several comatose episodes due to the overstimulation. Further examination revealed that Yangyang's heightened perception was causing harm to her body through her Forte. The aftereffects have since stabilized, but the feather-like transformation on the ends of her hair remains irreversible."

feather-like transformation

“During Overclocking, the scale-shaped red crystalline matter on Mortefi's chest continuously expands to cover a larger area of his skin. This transformation is accompanied by a significant rise in body temperature, resulting in the manifestation of intense Frequency Fluctuation. Notably, a fiery apparition resembling a dragon becomes visible behind Mortefi during this stage.”

scale-shaped red crystalline

“Diagnostics reveal TD Frequency erosion affecting Sanhua's perception of objects, causing Frequency Fluctuation, leading to outbursts of frequency energy. The aftereffect of Overclocking is the increased spread of erosion, ultimately changing the color of Sanhua's left pupil from grey to red.”

pupil of different eyes

Each resonator has its own Inspection Report, divided into two categories: Resonance Evaluation Report and Overclock Diagnostic Report, formed by everything I have explained so far.


This article is created by ValerioLP. Catch ValerioLP here!

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