Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Echo Summon Web Event - How To Obtain The Best Echoes

2024-05-14 14:48:53 by:Lucas

With Wuthering Waves quickly approaching its release date, along with various pre-release campaigns that players can participate to obtain real in game rewards once the game is officially released like the pre-registration event, the game’s developers have also release a special brand new web event for players to “catch” their favorite Echoes in advance and add them into their game once they have downloaded the game officially during its launch.


In this guide, we will go over the special limited time Echo Summon Web Event running from the 29th of April to the 6th of June and show players all of the things they should pay attention to in order to maximize their gains through this web event. In addition, we will also advise some of the best Echoes players should aim for in order to have the best possible Echoes at the start of the game to strengthen the power of their favorite Resonators as soon as the game comes out.



Echo Summoning Event Wuthering Waves

Echoes Summon Web Event - What You Need To Know

To prepare for the official Launch of the game on the 21st of May, the game developers are offering players a myriad of special events so that they can obtain a large amount of resources and rewards before starting the game. One of these special events is the Special Echo summon Web Event, where players will have the chance to collect special Echoes and import them into the actual game once the game is live.

Echoes Summon Web Event - How It Works

The Echoes Summon Web Event acts as a special event that players can access by going to the official online website of the event. Once entered, players can participate in the event by logging into their Kuro Games’ account and choosing a server that the rewards will be sent to once the game has been released.


Please keep in mind to choose the correct server that you intend on playing the game on in order for the rewards to be sent correctly.

Echo Summoning Event Sharing

Once logged in, players will be able to participate in the event by summoning for special Echoes using the Echo Summoning button by spending attempts that they have accumulated to do 1 summon or 10 summons. 

Echo Summoning Event Mission List

In order to obtain the attempts, players will need to finish special daily or lifetime missions that will be available for all players, including missions such as sharing your echoes summoning collection, pre-register to the game, share the game’s URL to other players or ask for help from your friends to obtain attempts.

Echoes Summoning & Collection

The Echoes summoning will take Echoes from the game, with the highest possible rarity of Echoes available being 3 Costs Echoes and allow players to roll for them and keep them in your backpack once you have obtained them.

Echo Summoning Event Summoning Examples

A total of 30 different varieties of Echoes can be obtained through this web event, with the majority of the echoes ranging from 1 Cost to 3 Cost Echoes of various different elements. Once players have collected certain amounts of Echoes available in the web event, they will be rewarded with special rewards including Astrites (the premium currency of Wuthering Waves), special resonator upgrading materials, weapon upgrading materials and more.

Echo Summoning Event Gallery

The goal players should aim for is to be able to collect all of the 30 variants of the available echoes in order to obtain special rewards from the web event and be able to pick one of the available Cost 3 Echoes to send them directly into the game in order to have the best possible boost to the players’ favorite Resonators.

Echoes Summon Web Event - Important Things To Note

Now that players have had a better understanding of how this web event works, there are special things that they will need to pay attention to in order to pick the best possible Echoes and obtain all of the possible rewards to add to the game once the game is released and the event has finished.


Firstly, it is extremely important to know that the rewards that players can obtain will only be able to be sent to 1 account per server, meaning players need to make a decision on which server they will play Wuthering Waves on when they make their Kurogames account and participate in the event. Choosing the wrong server once the game is released will result in you not being able to obtain any rewards from this web event.


Secondly, It is important to note that players can only choose 1 single Echoes from the selection of 30 Echoes available in the event to add to their game and all of the available rewards from the Web Event will only be awarded to players through in game mails once they have passed the Resonator Lv8 mark in game.

Finally, Players should be aware that the stats provided by the web event for the Echoes are fixed, meaning players will not be able to customize the Echo they will receive through the event. Especially, the 3 Cost Echoes in the event will all have Attack % as their main stat, no matter which Echoes players obtain. Therefore, players should focus on choosing the Echoes based on their elements and Resonance rather than their stats when choosing which Echoes to add to their game.

Echoes Summon Web Event - Tips And Tricks

Log In Daily And Always Do Daily Missions

The amount of echoes players can obtain from the web event is directly tied to the amounts of attempts players can do in the summoning session, meaning players will need to be able to accumulate a decent amount of summoning attempts in order to fill their Echoes Gallery. 

Therefore, it is highly recommended that players do their daily missions in the web event everyday in order to obtain the most amount of attempts possible and obtain all of the Echoes in the web event.

Choose Your Echoes Based On Your Prefered Resonators

As mentioned, the stats of the echoes in the web event that you can obtain are fixed, meaning every echoes will have the same stat lines depending on their rarity rather than being randomized. 


This means that it is highly recommended that players choose the Echoes based on their overall Resonance and usefulness of their skills based on how they will pair with your intended starter 5* Resonance that you aim to obtain once the game begins so that your favorite Resonator will have a big boost of damage at the start of the game.

Reroll For Best Account Then Do The Web Event

The special Echo Summon Web event is ran from the 29th of April till the 6th of June, allowing players plenty of time to get all of the echoes available in the web event and choose their best to add into their game.


However, if player have yet to decide who they want to get as the starting 5* Resonator or if they want to reroll for an account with multiple 5* Resonators, then players can start the web event a little bit later after they have finished rerolling in order to choose the best Echoes to add into the game afterward.

Share Your Echoes Collection For More Summoning Attempts

In order for you to maximize your daily missions completion for more summoning attempts in the Echoes summoning events, you will need to complete special sharing missions on social media and let others click the links for you. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you join and share your links through social media in order to obtain the most amount of summoning attempts by completing these daily missions everyday.

If you don’t know where to post all of your sharing links for this web event, why not join our Discord Server? We are growing a community of players for Wuthering Waves and would love to have you join us and share your gaming experience with us while you play the game!

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