Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: Best Support Characters to Power Up Early!

2024-05-16 17:27:34 by:Gumball Gazer



Are you wondering what Wuthering Waves best support characters are? You’re in luck because Game Gazer has got you covered on this topic for you. A little disclaimer, this is not a concrete tier list of any sort but gives you an idea which supporting character you would want to consider investing your resources on earlier in the game. Not all team-comp are functioning optimally without a support character in it and therefore I believe the list below will be beneficial for your WuWa gaming account from day-1.




Check out Verina’s character details in our Resonator wiki


Verina is widely considered a very very top-tier character in Wuthering Waves, especially for those who are seeking a supporter with various utilities and NOT just healing. As a 5-star Spectro unit, Verina offers a potent blend of healing, buffing and some surprising damage potential.


Unlike the typical early-game healers from various gacha games who fizzle out towards the end-game contents, Verina remains relevant throughout the journey. Her Liberation skill exemplifies this perfectly; she will blast her enemies while restoring significant health to the party, then marks them for follow-up attacks that heal on hit.This essentially allows your team to heal up and regroup after receiving some big damages.


This is because Verina’s prowess is not about healing only. Her inherent skills provide supporting values both in offence and defence. On one hand, Verina grants party members with a shield increasing their survivability and the other buffs the entire party’s attack by 20% for 20 seconds (talk about a supporter that provides healing, shields and ATK buffs).


Verina’s prowess continues with her Forte Circuit and Outro Skill. The previous strengthens her heavy attack to heal the party and shortens her Concerto cooldown. Her Outro Skill lets her provide another health regen buff and a 30 seconds damage buff to the entire party.




Check out Baizhi’s character details in our Resonator wiki


Baizhi is a readily available option for many players if they are seeking for a healer to join their team. While Verina, which boasts impressive utilities, is a 5-star unit that requires some favour with RNG to be obtained (unless we get a 5-star character selector on global launch day). Baizhi proves to be a cheaper and dependable choice if you’re looking for an alternative healer/support for your team.


Baizhi’s strength lies in her well-rounded healing kit. Her attacks, Active Skill Kits, Burst and even her Outro Skill all contribute to healing your team. Her versatility allows her to fit seamlessly into any team composition, whether you favour quick swaps or sustained on-field attackers.


Compared to Verina, Baizhi offers a more beginner-friendly experience. As shown earlier, Verina’s Outro Skill provides a burst of immediate healing, Baizhi’s skill effects have a longer duration making the effect easier to manage in the heat of battle. This makes Baizhi a great choice for players who are still getting accustomed to the game’s mechanics and as a placeholder until players get stronger healers.


While Baizhi’s Forte Circuit [Cycle of Life] only heals herself, it’s important to remember that she’s a free character to begin with. Considering her accessibility and well-rounded kit, Baizhi is an invaluable asset for free-to-play Wuthering Waves players that’s just starting out.




Check out Jianxin’s character details in our Resonator wiki


If you ever watched the OG Avatar: The Last Airbender, you’ll immediately realise that Jianxin’s fighting style draws inspiration from Aang’s airbending. In a nutshell, Jianxin’s skill set involves graceful attacks and focuses on crowd control. Her core mechanic revolves around “Chi,” a resource gained through basic attacks and skills. By holding the basic attack button, Jianxin consumes Chi to create a shield with varying levels of strength depending on the amount of Chi consumed. This shield provides protection, healing for the active character at regular intervals, and even deals Aero damage to nearby enemies while charging.


[Calming Air] allows Jianxin to enter a defensive stance, automatically countering enemy attacks within a brief window. Her Resonance Liberation [Purification Force Field] unleashes an Aero vortex that pulls in and damages enemies. This skill is effective for crowd control in fights against multiple foes. Her Intro Skill launches light enemies into the air, temporarily disabling them while her Outro Skill significantly boosts the next character’s Liberation damage for a set duration.


If you do manage to obtain her earlier on, consider teaming up with DPS characters who rely heavily on their Resonance Liberation, such as male or female rover and/or Chixia. Overall, Jianxin presents a compelling option for players seeking a comfortable and versatile character.




These are Gamegazer’s Wuthering Waves Best Support Characters that we can recommend to you all. Verina, Baizhi and Jianxin are all fantastic support characters to consider investing in early on for your WuWa gaming account. Each offers unique strengths, whether it’s Verina’s great utility skills of healing, buffs and damage, Baizhi’s well-rounded healing kit, or Jianxin’s crowd control prowess and Liberation damage boost.

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