Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves CBT2 World-Building: The Concept of Sound

2024-05-17 14:36:49 by:ValerioLP

The story of Wuthering Waves unfolds on Solaris-3, the third planet in the solar system. It all begins with the first 'Lament'. New things emerge, the old rules are invalid, and unprecedented disasters are raging on the earth. In this new world where destruction and rebirth coexist, humans are holding the unyielding spark of civilization, and are about to resist the new wave of unknown never ending crises.

In a dangerous world

Indeed, ‘The Lament’ is the general term for all the disaster trends in Solaris-3.


"The tide never stops, the Lament never rests."


The anomalies that occured after the Lament are: the formation of the Etheric Sea, Tacet Fields, Retroact Rain, Blizzard and gravity loss. They have an erosive effect on the world of Solaris-3 and are collectively called Waveworn phenomenon.


The Etheric Sea is a special type of abnormal weather phenomenon.



Soundscapes of the Tacet Tide

Upside-down ocean surface

The sky appears to resemble an upside-down ocean surface. Typically, when the Etheric Sea phenomenon appears, a Tacet Field is about to form on the ground.

These Tacet Fields are fields that arise in unpredictable places, however there are individuals, among those known as Resonators, who can detect the formation of Tacet Fields by reading so-called Streams, i.e. flows in the air, as Yangyang does.

Unpredictable places

Tacet Fields are believed to be the place where all Tacet Discords materialize and gather. These places are characterised by a deep cross shape Tacet mark on the ground. Frequencies fill the air, connecting our world to an unknown space through White Resonance Cords.

Tacet Fields

Since we are talking about oceans, these endless repeated phenomena can be called Tides.


During these tides, creatures known as Tacet Discords emerge from the Tacet Fields. By definition, they are entities formed by the residual chaotic frequency energy of the Tacet Fields, having an indefinite shape.


But what are frequencies in the Wuthering Waves world?


We have said that when the Lament occurred, the laws of nature changed. Well, because of the Lament now the world is built around the concepts of sound and frequency.


Indeed, Yangyang tells us during the story that: "Everything in our world is made up of frequencies.”


The most important concept comes now: There is a view in the academic world that due to the Waveworn Phenomenon, matter, information and energy are all reduced to the vibrating frequency.


It must be seen in a different way than we are used to. In fact, it can take on a physical form.


An important characteristic of these frequencies is that they have a maximum peak at the beginning of their life cycle, but decay over time as real energy.



The Frequency Life Cycle


The life cycle of a frequency goes through several stages, each of them having its own name.


We mentioned matter, information and energy, and we have said that these concepts have been reconstructed by the Lament.


Now we get into the technical. The world of Wuthering Waves is based on physics concepts.


Through countless scientific studies, researchers have come to discover the existence of a condensed space, within which there is a pure and complete, but invisible and intangible information energy. It cannot be captured, let alone sampled or analyzed.


This condensed space is known scientifically as the Sonoro Sphere. And this intangible energy is known as Remnant.

The Remnant is a pure and complete form of frequency energy whose recorded information can exist stably in some form beyond time and space.

The Remnant

It is the original frequency information, not yet decayed, probably coming from another dimensional plane through the white Resonance Cords mentioned earlier.


The Sonoro Sphere is an important source of information for humans to understand the history and civilization of the Lament. It is an illusion made of Remnant frequencies in which the environment within ever-chaning, but above all, it is the place where Remnant is purest, and has not yet decayed. This makes the Sonoro Sphere the most suitable place for seeking the truth.


In his story quest, Jiyan tells Rover that the Sonoro Sphere, simply put, it’s an illusion made of memories, bringing us perhaps to the conclusion that remnant can be compared to memories.



So, to summarise, we have said that matter, information and energy (so also the Remnant) are reduced to the vibrating frequency, that it has a life cycle and tends to decay.


According to research observations, once the frequency and Remnant decay, they become Reverberations. They are destined to continue decaying and this process is irreversible.


At this stage, the frequency begins to acquire a shape, which varies according to the original frequency nature, depending on the way it 'vibrates', a concept borrowed from String Theory, from which I believe they have taken their inspiration.


There is a chance that the Reverberation does not decay completely and become an Echo. Basically, Echoes are the lingering Tacet Discords Reverberations after they are shattered.

A reverberation photograph

They are a reverberation photograph, the part of the frequency decomposed, becomes persistent. It stops in time and its life cycle comes to a halt, no longer decaying.


We can absorb them into the Data Banks in our Pangu Terminals.



Tacet Discords


The explanation of the life cycle of a frequency was necessary to better understand the Wuthering Waves world-building and to understand what these Tacet Discords actually are.


We said that they are entities formed by the residual chaotic frequency energy of the Tacet Fields, having an indefinite shape. Indeed, we have seen that the frequency can have a shape. Unfortunately, however, during tides this shape is the enemy of the population.

Tacet Discords

The Tacet Discords possess a special structure called Tacet Core. The academic community calls these Tacet Cores Reverberation, leading to the inference that the frequency emanating from the Tacet Fields decays into the form of these Tacet Cores.

Tacet Core

The main Tacet Discords characteristic is that they evolve by swallowing and merging with other frequencies, thus using a predation-like behaviour pattern.


This leads us to say that the frequency not only decays, but can also merge with other frequencies. This concept is very important because we will discuss it in the Resonators writing.


Due to Waveworn Phenomenon, on the earth's surface, it is not uncommon for Tacetite to be created.


Scientists have discovered that Tacetite is a substance that can permanently hold Remnant Energy. It is a great source of energy that it has begun to be processed for military purposes. Indeed, it has been discovered that it be able to shattering Tacet Discords and absorb frequencies.


Returning to the Tacet Discords, their abilities, shapes and behaviours vary due to differences in frequency information, thus depending on their initial nature and depending on the frequencies with which they merged during decay.


It is said that Tacet Discords tend to mimic humans, in fact they attack other living beings because they need to feed on other frequencies to make themselves whole again. By feeding on the human beings frequencies, they tend to inherit their behaviour, their last will. For those who are familiar, this is very similar to the concept of Bloodborne's Echoes of Blood.


So we can say that if frequencies are native to a human being, they possess their will and desires, which are none other than those of the human being himself.


In a way, it is our wills and emotions that feed the Tacet Discord.


But that's not the worst of it.


In fact, it is said that there are formidable creatures with the power to destroy human spirit and feed off of their collapsed will. They represent the hidden fears and inner turmoil of humanity, and it is said they are the ones causing the plague of Tacet Discords in different parts of the world. In essence, they are a reflection of the collective will of humans condensed into physical form. Their name is Threnodians.



This article is created by ValerioLP. Catch ValerioLP here!

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