Reverse: 1999 Wiki
Reverse:1999 A Nightmare At Green Lake Main Event Rewards Guide

With the version 1.2 update going in full swing for Reverse: 1999 and the special limited event of the patch - A Nightmare At Green Lake is available all players to partake in, it is quite important to for players to know all of the details regarding the event and how they can best obtain all of the event’s rewards in the quickest and easiest way possible.


In this guide, we will go over all of the details regarding the special Version 1.2 update patch - A Nightmare At Green Lake and advise players on how they can best obtain all of the rewards from the event before it ends. In addition, we will also go over the special Psychubes players will be able to obtain through the event and show players which characters are best suited to use the special free Psychube to its fullest potential.


A Nightmare At Green Lake - General Event Details

The special event A Nightmare At Green Lake will be available for all players to participate for an entire month from the start of the 1.2 version update patch all the to the end of the patch at the end of January. This event is quite extensive with many different mechanics and things players should take note of in order to be able to get the most amount of rewards from the event.

Event Story Stages

During the event’s duration, players will have the chance to participate in a special investigation into a ghostly area beside the Green Lake and experience many interesting and scary spooks with the gang of Arcanists in the form of a B rated Horror Movie through the lens of Reverse: 1999 by completing the special event story stages that will be available for all players. 

Completing these special event story stages to meet the brand new Arcanist - Tooth Fairy and Jessica and investigate the sinister and spooky incidents happening to the residents beside the Green Lake and find out who or what is causing all of the ghostly occurrences there with your team of Arcanist. In addition, by completing these event story stages, players will be rewarded with the special event currencies that they can then use to exchange for special items in the event shop for a limited time.

Event Farming Stages

While going through the special story event stages, players will additionally unlock special farming stages in the event where players can farm a large amount of Event currencies by constantly rerunning these stages.


The farming stages in the event are divided into 3 different difficulty rankings: Story (the normal story difficulty), Surprise (Normal Farming Difficulty) and Arduous (Hard Farming Difficulty). The higher the difficulty of the stage, the more event currencies players will obtain per energy spent on clearing the stage.


Players will need to farm a large amount of event currencies from these stages, so it is advisable that they clear the hardest difficulty of 1 farming stage (on Arduous difficulty) at least once so that they can comfortably replay the stage to farm currencies.

Hard Mode

In addition to the story stages and the farming stages for the event, special extremely difficult challenge stages will also be available for players to attempt to clear during the event’s period known as Hard Mode stages. 


These hard mode stages are extremely difficult and require full teams of fully built characters of Insight 2 at lv 50 or even Insight 3 Arcanist which requires a large amount of materials, Gold and EXP investment to do. Not only that, some of these stages will have special mechanics that are unique to that stage specifically, requiring players to use different characters to bypass the requirements such as enemies being immune to reality damage, requiring players to only use characters that deal mental damage instead. Therefore, players need to be extremely prepared before challenging these hard mode stages and need to have a good team.


The rewards for these hard mode stages are quite good,however, with each stage clears rewarding players with a decent amount of clear drops, allowing the players to exchange them for rolls and buy things in the shop. It is also important to note that players will only need to clear each of these hard mode stages once during the event period to claim the rewards and these stages won’t give players any event currencies.

Event Mission List - Camp Site Handbook

During the event period and during the players’ stage clearing and event currency collection process, all players will also be presented with a special event limited list of missions that will reward players with additional event currencies upon completing a certain set of missions during the event.

These event missions range from completing specific story and farming stages within the event, farming a certain amount of farming stages during the event’s period, accumulating a specific count of event currencies or clearing special hard mode stages during the event period. 

Event Exchange Shop

Finally, during the event’s period, the event currencies accumulated throughout the event can be used to exchange for special limited items in the event exchange shop for a limited time. The items in the event exchange shop ranges from a special limited time available 6* Psychube - Beyond Wonderland, special Wilderness items, extremely important tier 3 arcanist updating materials for Tooth Fairy and even more items to further upgrade Arcanists such as a large amount of Dust, Gold, Tier 2 Arcanist upgrading materials, Resonant increasing materials and even more.

In terms of exchanging priority, if players were to farm the event frequently throughout the event’s period, they should be able to accumulate enough event currencies to exchange for every single limited item available in the shop. However, if there is a shortage of event currencies that can be accumulated due to other reasons, players should first prioritize getting the items on the first tab, which includes event exclusive items, the 6* Free Psychube - Beyond Wonderland, and other Tier 3 Arcanist upgrading materials first then go on to the 2nd tier of items in the shop.

How To Obtain All Event Rewards - Tips And Tricks

Use Teams Of Star And Intelligence Afflatus Arcanist

The majority of story stages, farming stages and hard mode stages of this event features enemies of the Mineral and Spirit Afflatus in large droves, therefore, in order to ensure that players can clear these stages in the quickest and most efficient way possible, players should make a team of Star and Intelligence Afflatus Arcanists during this event in order to quickly clear the event to obtain the rewards. 

A team of Star and Intelligence Afflatus Arcanist are extremely recommended for this event, but if players can’t afford to build an entirely new Arcanist team during the event, they can instead use a main DPS character that is of the Star or Intelligence Afflatus instead to maximize the team’s damage output.

Use Daily Energy On Farming Stages

As mentioned, farming stages for the event will yield a large amount of event currencies that players can then use to exchange for special items in the event shop, including a large amount of character upgrading materials. Therefore, it is more efficient for players to spend their daily Energy on farming the event stages than use them on the normal materials resource stages available permanently in the game. By doing this, players will be able to obtain a large amount of rewards simply by farming 1 thing and still complete the daily and weekly missions with ease.

Utilize Special Rate Up Characters

Together with the release of the event is the release of 2 brand new 6* Arcanist characters - the 6* Tooth Fairy and the 6* Jessica. These Arcanists’ skill kits are made specifically to counter the enemies within this event, so if players want to be able to quickly clear this event, using these Arcanists are highly recommended.

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