AFK Journey


  • Mage
  • Magic



  • Spiritual Viper
  • Vitality Extract
  • Ecnhantment Fang
  • Hero Focus
  • Frost Protection
  • Enhance Force

    Cooldown Time(s)


    Skill Range


    Initial Energy


    Skill Info

    Passive. Viperian burns HP as much as possible when a battle starts, sending Darkviper's to possess all enemies until his HP is below 60%. During this skill, he is Unaffected while losing 7% max HP for each Darkviper deployed. Every possessed enemy drops 20 Energy on Hit, losing 1% HP per second to sustain the survivability of the Darkviper on them. Viperian calls a Darkviper back to recover 14% HP when his HP ratio is below 30%.
    Active. Viperian deals 280% damage to all possessed enemies. He inflicts the nearest enemy with the same effect and Darkviper possession if no enemy on the battlefield is possessed.
    Unlocks at level 51: Increases damage to 290%.
    Unlocks at level 111: Increases damage to 300%.
    Unlocks at level 171: Increases damage to 310%.
    Unlocks at level 231: Increases damage to 320%.
