Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.0 Second Half Limited Events - How To Obtain All Rewards
With Zenless Zone Zero releasing Zhu Yuan as the second ever Limited Rate Up Agents in the game, the game is entering its 2nd half of the content update patch and preparing for its first ever brand new version update patch by providing players with even more rewards and resources in the form of special limited time events coming to the game to offer players various interesting gameplay experiences with the game’s overall mechanics and gamemodes and reward players with currencies and pulls to help them get a chance to roll for and obtain the S Rank Limited Agent Zhu Yuan.
In this guide, we will go over all of the ongoing and upcoming limited time events players can expect from the second half of the version 1.0 release content patch for Zenless Zone Zero and show players how they can best take advantage of all of the events in order to be able to obtain as much rewards as possible to either roll for the Limites S Rank Agent Zhu Yuan or prepare for the upcoming Version 1.1 update patch for Zenless Zone Zero.
Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.0 Second Half Limited Events - What To Expect
With the release of the Limited S Rank Agent Zhu Yuan and the transition to the second half of the content patch for Zenless Zone Zero release version 1.0, players will be able to partake in various brand new limited time events in order to obtain special rewards and benefits as the content patch goes on. These events are:
Special Log-In Event - “Eh-Nah” Into Your Lap
The first important event for the 2nd half of version 1.0 is the special limited time log in event - “Eh-nah” Into Your Lap. The special log in event “Eh-nah” Into Your Lap will also be available alongside the New City Visitor’s Passport Log In event and will reward players with a total of 10 Boopons, the special currency that allows you to roll for special aids in the form of Bangboos.
Just like the other Special Log In Events, players will need to log in for a total of 7 days during the event’s period in order to be able to claim all of the event’s rewards. The log in days don’t have to be consecutive, but the players need to log in within the event’s time frame otherwise the log in day will not count for rewards.
Limited Time Event - The Final Callback
The final callback is a special limited time event that allows players to playtest the different Agents currently on limited rate up banner in order to obtain special rewards once they have completed the trial stages.
For version 1.0 second half, players will be able to partake and try out the 3 rated up Agents - the S Rank Limited Attack Agent Zhu Yuan, the A Rank Support Agent Nicole Demara and the A Rank Defense Agent Ben Bigger. Each of these trial stages will have detailed instructions about each of the agent’s main playstyle and how players can take advantage of their skill kit in order to bring out their full potential on the battlefield.
Upon completion, players can freely playstyle the 3 agents in the trial stages and obtain special Agent exclusive ascension materials and upgrading materials for each of the trial stages they have completed.
Limited Time Event - Masterful Masterpiece
To celebrate the release of Zhu Yuan as a Limited S Rank Attack Agent of the Ether element, the special Masterful Masterpiece allows players to not spend any Dennies when purchasing Ether Element related products at the Cafe and Noodle shops.
For the entire duration of the event, when players purchase coffee that boost the drop rate of Ether Skill chip, they will not have to pay any Dennies for these cups of coffee. Additionally, the special Coffee that boosts Ether Skill Chip drops will be available for purchase all throughout the event’s duration.
In addition, noodle bowls that boost Ether Damage output for agents in the Noodle shops will also not cost Dennies and will be available for purchase all throughout the event’s duration, helping to boost the damage out Ether Agents on the battlefield once they have been consumed before attempting a commission.
Finally, Ether Resonia and buffs will have a higher chance of appearing in the Hollow Zero and Notorious Hunt game modes when players brings Ether Elemental Agents in the team, allowing the players to test out the team in the best way possible in many of the game’s more challenging and difficult game modes for a limited time.
Limited Time Event - Watch Your Steps
The major event with the most rewards in the second half of the version 1.0 release patch content is the special Limited Time event Watch Your Steps. During the event’s duration and through the duration of 5 days, players will be treated with 5 special puzzle challenges in the event commission in game. Complete these challenges and players will be able to obtain a large amount of Polychromes, Boopons, Ether Skill Chips and the special Hamsters Cage Pass to upgrade Agents’ skills.
The event will have a total of 5 puzzle stages, each being unlocked 1 day after the previous have been cleared. These puzzles all have different mechanics and functions assigned to them and players will have to complete them in order to obtain all of the rewards. Once a stage is completed, the Hard mode of that stage will be unlocked, requiring players to traverse the different puzzle stages once more with a different objective to collect special HIA data packages and clear the stages to obtain all of the rewards.
The Rewards for the event is given out based on the amount of easy mode stages players have completed, the amount of hard stages the players have completed and the amount of HIA data packages they have obtained from the Hard Mode stages in the event.
Once all of the milestone rewards have been claimed, players can obtain the special Hamster Cage Pass from the event.
Limited Time Event - Vicious Dogs Within
The final limited time event that will be available for all players to participate upon reaching a certain point in the main story is the special Vicious Dogs Within Arcade Event. Players will need to have finished the 1st Main Story Quest and have unlocked the Arcade in the game in order to be able to partake in this special limited event.
For a duration of 14 days, players can play various specially available Arcade Games in the game in order to exchange for various valuable items such as Polychrome (The limited gacha currency in Zenless Zone Zero), Agents upgrading materials and more important materials that players will need to have in order to advance quickly in the game.
The Limited time available Arcade games will be unlocked during the event’s duration and completing them will reward players with enough event currencies to obtain all of the important materials and limited time rewards in the event shop. Compete with other players in order to be the victor in these special arcade games in order to obtain the special Event exclusive currencies in order to be able to exchange them for the event’s rewards including Polychromes, Agent upgrading materials, W-Engine upgrading materials, Boopons and more.
The higher the rank you are during each of the arcade challenges against other players, the more currencies you can obtain from the event. So players should try their best against the other players in order to obtain the most amount of event currencies and obtain all of the rewards in the event shop during the event’s duration.