Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Team Building Guide - How To Form The Best Teams

2024-03-17 20:59:54 by:Lucas

Update: 5.27.2024


With Wuthering Waves officially releasing on all servers, players who have been anticipating its release will finally have the time of their life to try out all of the Resonators in the game and the game’s intricately designed combat system. Because of this, It is important for players to full understand the important team building mechanics and the different roles Resonators plays in the team in order to help players make perfect teams for different contents such as overworld exploration, challenges and end game contents.


In this guide, we will go over all of the important things players need to know about team building in order to be able to help players get a better understanding of how they should build their team to maximize the damage and combat potential of all resonators.

Example Team


Team Building - Important Things To Consider

Wuthering Waves’ combat system and most of its contents will revolve around players making a team of 3 different Resonators, with 1 of the 3 Resonators taking the field constantly while the other 2 can be switched out on the battlefield or can be used as backup fire power using their special abilities.

Resonator’s Roles

With Wuthering Waves only allowing 3 different Resonators to be in a team at once, it is important to have a diverse roster of Resonators in a team that can perform different functions to ensure that you will be able to deal with any problems and enemies coming your way.


The Resonators in the game don't really have a definite role assigned to them individually. However, thanks to the 2nd Close Beta Test allowing multiple players to be able to experience the different character skill kits and see what their abilities actually do, we have been able to condensed and categorized the Resonators in the game into 3 major roles that will fill the team:

Resonator roles

- DPS/ Damage Dealer: These resonators are your best on field damage dealer with their skill focusing heavily on combo and using their skills/ultimates. Players want these characters to be on field as much as possible to maximize their damage output against enemies.


- Elemental Enabler/ Damage Support: These Resonators have special skills that can be used to initiate special elemental reactions with the main damage dealer to help boost the entire team’s damage output and make it so that the main damage dealer can be substituted when things get dicey. In addition, these Resonators can also fill the role of Sub DPS with their skills and abilities that focus on buffing the team and dealing damage to the enemies.


- Sustain/ Healing Support: These Resonators focus on increasing the team’s defense and healing the team to ensure that the team survives against enemies’ onslaught as long as possible with their skills and abilities. These Resonators mainly focus on either providing the team with beneficial defensive buffs like shield, defense stat increase of max HP increase or provide the team with the occasional necessary heals to help sustain the entire team.


Not all Resonators fall neatly into these 3 categories as all the Resonators skills and abilities are all unique to each other, with some characters can fill multiple roles at a time while others can only fill 1 of the roles by themselves. Therefore, experimenting and building a large variety of different Resonators are highly recommended to allow players to build the best team that they want to use in the long run.

Concerto Skills

While attacking enemies with the on field Resonator for a period of time, players will be able to see the portrait of other members in the party fluctuate with a White wavelength symbol. This is a sign that players can activate special skills known as Concerto Skills. When this happens, players can click on the other Resonator portrait to initiate the Concerto Skill, switching into that Resonator and unleash a powerful attack upon their entrance.

Concerto Skills

When this attack occurs, players will be able to take advantage of another special factor in combat - the Concerto Effects. These effects trigger based on the Elements of the initial on field Resonator and the switched in Resonator’s element, allowing players to gain benefits or debuffs the enemy based on the elements that were used in the combo.

Concerto Effects

One of the recommendations and things to consider when building a team in Wuthering Waves is considering whether the Resonator’s Concerto Skills are beneficial to the overall damage output of the team and whether if these Concerto Skills can trigger the necessary Concerto Effects for the team to increase the overall damage output.

Elements & Concerto Effects

The Concerto effects are divided into different groups, with each providing different effects to the battlefield:


Element 1

Element 2









Increase the on field Resonator’s Resonator Skill Damage by 40% for 12s




Increase Damage of all Concerto Elements by 20% for 12s





Generate a Stagnant Field on the battlefield and generate 10 Concerto Energy to all Resonators on the field.





Increase the on field Resonator’s Resonator Skill Damage by 20% for 5s. This effect will be reserved if the on field Resonator switched out and will have its effect increased by an additional 20% when the Resonator takes the field again.


2 Of The Same Elements

When triggered, deal Elemental Damage to enemies based on the Concerto Elements.


Due to this unique set of elemental reactions and abilities, it is highly recommended that players have at least 2 resonators of different elements in their team in order to maximize the elemental reaction trigger and take advantage of the Concerto effects once players switch between characters.

Team Building Recommendations

With all the details and nuances regarding what players need to understand when building a team explained, we will go over some recommended team formations that players could follow to have an easier time in Wuthering Waves.


- The first team recommendation consists of 1 DPS Character, 1 Damage Support Resonator and 1 Sustain Resonator, all with different elements. This ensures that the team can have both offensive and defensive capabilities, allowing the team to dish out damage against the enemy and survive against bosses and tougher enemies. In addition, by having all 3 Resonators with different elements, players will be able to take advantage of the myriad of powerful Concerto Effects.

Typical Team

- The second team recommendation consists of 2 DPS Character and 1 Damage Support Resonator, with the 2 DPS resonators having different elements. This team focuses primarily on damage and sacrifice survivability to make room for more damage, allowing for faster clear times against challenges.

Example Team 2

- Another team recommendation consists of 3 Resonators of the same element, preferably 2 DPS characters + 1 Damage Support Resonator. This team Revolves around massively increasing the damage potential output of 1 single element to massively boost damage against enemies that are weak to the specific elemental reactions of that element. 

Examples Team 3

Resonators Recommendations

With the team building recommendations established, here are some Resonators that players are recommended to use to fill out each of the roles in the team building process:

DPS/ Damage Dealer






Electro DPS

Aero DPS

Glacio DPS

Aero DPS

Electro DPS






Fusion DPS

Havoc DPS


Fusion DPS


Damage Support/ Elemental Enabler






Fusion Damage Boost

Aero Damage Boost

Aero Damage Boost

Glacio/ Normal Attack Damage Boost

Electro Sub- DPS/ Enabler

Sustain/ Survivability Support



HP Recovery

HP Recovery


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